As brothers of Sigma Pi, we pride ourselves on giving back to the community. Whether it be through our annual Suicide Awareness Week, relationships with local non-profits, or various other service projects, we strive to be a positive force at Cal Poly and in San Luis Obispo.
Local non-profit relationships
We have close relationships with two local organizations, one of which being Growing Grounds. This organization has the ability to accommodate large work parties and has close ties to the Transitions-Mental Health Association, an organization we work closely with for our Suicide Awareness Week.
Sigma Pi also consistently volunteers with City Farm SLO. We enjoy contributing to this organization because of their passion for sustainability and their commitment to teach the San Luis Obispo youth the benefits of sustainable practices.
Suicide Awareness Week

The brothers spreading mental health awareness in the local community at the San Luis Obispo Farmers Market.
Every year there are 1100 college students that lose their lives to suicide. Wanting to help the campus community, we decided to open conversation about mental health at Cal Poly. Through our Suicide Awareness Week, we educate the community about suicide awareness and prevention. Events included booths on campus to open conversation about stress, QPR training, interactive activities with students, and displays to symbolize the 1100 students lost each year. Our Suicide Awareness Week is centered around the Sean Vernon Feliciano Amazing Day Foundation, which is Sigma Pi’s national philanthropy that focuses on mental health education and suicide prevention on college campuses. The brothers of Sigma Pi are committed to spreading mental health awareness and the benefits of an open and accepting environment for all.
More information about The Amazing Day Foundation can be found at
Donate Life 
Our 2nd national philanthropy is Donate Life. Aligning with their mission of increasing the organ donor registry nationwide, Sigma Pi at Cal Poly sets up in the University Union every April to encourage fellow Mustangs to become organ donors. According to Donate Life, there are over 110,000 people in the United States waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. It is our responsibility as brothers to inform fellow Mustangs how organ donation can save lives. We are proud to support the cause!
Week of Welcome Water Booth
In an effort to encourage a safe environment for new students during Week of Welcome and grow community responsibility, Sigma Pi hosts a water booth during every Cal Poly WOW. Every year, we distribute water bottles to young Mustangs exploring SLO for their first time. Sigma Pi is commended for its efforts annually to help ensure a safe entry to college life.
Sexual Assault Awareness 
Outside of our usual service and philanthropy activities, Sigma Pi’s strive to be agents of change in our campus and local communities. The issue of sexual assault has recently come to the forefront at Cal Poly and we as a whole decided to stand up against it. At RISE’s annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, Sigma Pi came out to stand against sexual assault with the largest attendance from the Greek community. The brothers of Sigma Pi are committed to bringing about the change necessary to bring a stop to sexual assault on college campuses.
SAFER, Cal Poly’s primary confidential resource for addressing sexual assault, can be accessed at
Individual Contributions
At Sigma Pi, we believe that fostering good character starts with giving back to our surrounding communities. While our chapter has many group projects we participate in, we also hold individual brothers to philanthropic and service standards. Through these standards, our chapter saw an average of 20+ service hours and over $100 of philanthropic donations per member in the 2015-2016 school year. The men of the Eta Delta Chapter care about giving back to the San Luis Obispo community.